It is Fentress County School's goal for all graduates to be College or Career Ready. Fentress County Schools offers many programs and tools focused on helping students determine the best future course for them. Career interest surveys are administered starting in middle school and repeated in high school through tools such as Virtual Job Shadow and ASVAB to help students begin to see the connection between interests, abilities, values, and career choice. Programs such as the Career Fair, postsecondary field trips, classroom speakers provide students with the opportunity to further explore interests and gain exposure to community leaders, post-secondary resources, and military recruiters.
Annual Nondiscrimination Notification
The Fentress County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its program or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The Fentress County Board of Education offers classes in many career and technical education program areas under its open admissions policy. Specifically, the Fentress County Board of Education offers admissions based on selective criteria in (programs like Agriculture, Family and Consumer Sciences, Business Management and Administration, etc.) through a separate application process that is non-discriminatory. For more information about the application process and particular course offerings, contact the admissions office at (931)863-3143. Lack of English language proficiency will not be a barrier to admission and participation in career and technical education programs. The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:
Mike Jones, Fentress County Schools Director
1011 Old Hwy 127 S
Jamestown, TN 38556
Email Mike Jones
Karen Little, CTE Director
5801 South York Hwy
Clarkrange, TN 38553
Email Karen Little