Special Education Teacher Resources

Response to Intervention:

State Department Memo dated 9/15/06.
Template for RTI Guidelines (State Department)
Identifying Specific Learning Disabilities (RTI Method)

In this age of technology, we have many online websites that are available to us as teachers. They are useful resources for students to improve computer skills, reinforce academic skills, and make learning fun. They are useful to teachers to generate ideas, extended learning activities, and worksheets. Some suggested educational websites for you to explore are:

Greece Central School district - A variety of tools are offered to help students engage in rigorous thinking, organize complex ideas, and scaffold their interactions with texts. Many graphic organizers and rubrics, grade 6-12, are available to the classroom teacher.

Jefferson County Schools Homepage – Lesson plans from Blueprint for Learning, interactive websites, power points, and more are available to the classroom teacher.

This website is a source of math worksheets in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, K-5, in which you can customize the difficulty level.

Science themes and Tommy Tales, a series of books you can print with 20+ worksheets per book, are available on this website. The worksheets focus on comprehension, phonics, and other language and reading skills at about the 2nd grade level. Website

This website contains reading games for grades K-3 entitled Monkey Business, Fearless Frieda and the Big Kahuna, Alphabet Bears and many more.

Amazing videos on every subject such as science, social studies, and safety, as well as, books like Where the Wild Things Are. Schools should have an account, but each teacher sets up his/her own login and password. Website

This Houghton Mifflin website has suggested activities, games, and Internet links for reading and math grades K-5.

Famous people like Haylie Duff and Jason Alexander read popular children’s books, accompanied by related activities, on this website.

Make a variety of puzzles for review and practice with the resources from this website. It also has brain booster activities, clip art, and study starters.

This website has animated math, science, and social studies videos correlated to state and government standards K-8 (every story has a pop quiz at the end).

Educational games pre-K-6 may be found on all subjects on this website.

Additional Resources:


Tool Kit on Teaching and Assessing Students with Disabilities: Website

Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology

Classroom Management/Behavior
You Can Handle Them All

Differentiated Instruction
Differentiation for All Learners
Differentiation Lessons

General Information
A Blueprint for Learning (what website?)

ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Internet Resources for Special Children (IRSC)
LD Online
National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY)

Schwab Learning
Support and Training for Exceptional Parents
Tennessee Department of Education
Tennessee Department of Education, Division of Special Education
Tennessee Family Pathfinder
US Department of Education
US Office of Special Education Programs

Instructional/Teaching Links

(Suggestions for reading problems)
- Phoneme Awareness Activities for Collaborative Classrooms
- Strategy Instruction for Problem-Solving Unknown Words
- Strategy Instruction For Increasing Reading Comprehension

(Suggestions for math problems)
- Adapting Mathematics Instruction in the General Education Classroom for Students with Mathematics Disabilities
- Using Cooperative Learning To Teach Mathematics To Students With Learning Disabilities
- Math.Com - The World of Math Online
- WebMath.com - Solve Your Math Problem
- Math Cats Magic Chalkboard
- Cool Math

(Suggestions for writing problems)
- Teaching Expressive Writing To Students with Learning Disabilities
- Helping Students Who Struggle to Write
- Five Guidelines for Learning to Spell and Six Ways to Practice Spelling

(Suggestions for behavior problems)
- Behavior Modification in the Classroom
- Strategies for Improving Children's Behavior
Practice skills needed on state assessments
Practice skills needed on the gateway exams
Jefferson County's "Brush Up for TerraNova
Teaching Heart
Fun Brain

Intervention Central
The Florida Center for Reading Research
Teaching Made Easier - Differentiate with Ease
National Center for Learning Disabilities
Council of Administrators of Special Education - RTI
Antisocial and Violent Youth
The Incredible Years


Professional Resources
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
The Iris Center
Exploring Inclusive Education

School Psychology Organizations/Links
APA Division 16 (School Psychology)
Dumont & Willis school psychology website
Intervention Central

Speech/Language Pathology Organizations/Links
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Tennessee Association of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists
Speech-Language Pathologist Resources

Transition Resource
Education Planning Tools
Independent Living Skills

The 411 on Disability Disclosure: A Workbook for Youth with Disabilities

These links are provided as a service to individuals seeking additional avenues for help and information. The Department of Education and Fentress County Board of Education does not intend this as an endorsement or recommendation for any individual, organization, or service represented on this page.